Diary of a Broken Poet is more than just a collection of poems written by the author on issues that affect him and us. This collection is a discourse between the poet and his readers, an intimate conversation which unveils the ‘beingness’ of the author and his unique perspective of life and living. In the age where focus is on how words are metaphorized into some extended discordance, where clamour is for “depth”, which is often devoid of feeling or emotion, it is a relief to read poems that pour from the soul and being of the poet!
Jaachi is not about style or some esoteric conceit; he is about connection, about sharing personal experiences that resonate with the universal. His expression, sensuous, conversational, musical, and mirthic, does not undermine the profound poetic richness of the poems. If you seek love and heart break, the ‘broken poet’ shares with the readers felt experiences.
Issues like faith, religion, politics, and social realities are not left out of this beautiful collection. The last poem, “Only Cowards Keep Mum”, is more than a satire of conforming to established social expectations; it is a testament of the need for faith in oneself and values. Diary of a Broken Poet is a gift from one heart to another.
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